react Articles

How Boring It Is to Write Articles or Talk to Certain Types of Developers These Days.
typescript react

How Boring It Is to Write Articles or Talk to Certain Types of Developers These Days.

In this article, I share my experience writing about a fun and useful library, only to be met with overly critical feedback from developers stuck in rigid mindsets. Itā€™s a lighthearted rant about how sharing personal opinions or cool discoveries can become exhausting when faced with unnecessary negativity. If youā€™ve ever felt frustrated by people who nitpick instead of appreciate, this oneā€™s for you!

Tauan Camargo
2 min read

React Tabs Component | Reusable UI | Interactive Web Development

In this lab, we will be creating a Tabs component in React that allows users to switch between different content views by clicking on a menu. We will be using the useState() hook to manage the active tab index and the map() method to render the tab menu and content view. By the end of this lab, you will have a better understanding of how to build reusable components in React using state and props.

3 min read